Psychology-Driven Marketer with AI and automation skills.

3 Reasons: I’m not a typical Marketer

who just runs behind tools & techniques of digital marketing

I understand the heartbeat of Marketing

Consumer Behaviour

I believe in Automation, more than anything else

Automation > A.I

I’m a hardcore practical marketing practitioner

Practicality > Notions


I’m a smart, dedicated & visionary marketer with a strong understanding of psychology.

I am a JACK of...

Associated data, experience & projects coming soon for each listed skill

I am a MASTER of...

Associated data, experience & projects coming soon for each listed skill

Note: My Jack Level Proficiency can beat the Master Proficiency of Many.

I believe in Data, & DATA SPEAKS!

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3 Psychology hacks for Marketing Success

The only way to build efficient marketing strategies, is to understanding PSYCHOLOGY.

  • Consumer Behavior
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • The Science of Economics

Not a Big fan of A.I tools (As of now)

Artificial Intelligence as an Industry is really good, & probably it’s going to boom in the coming few years.

But I have a different P.O.V to see things, read this blog to know it in-depth.